Covenant Presbyterian Church supports various missionaries and organizations throughout the USA.
“And with many other words [Peter] bore witness and continued to exhort them, saying, “Save yourselves from this crooked generation.” So those who received his word were baptized, and there were added that day about three thousand souls… praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.” (Acts 2:40–41, 47)
Christian Witness to Israel, North America (CWI)
CWI exists to advance the Christian Faith by acting as an interdenominational evangelistic agency, to proclaim the Good News of Gospel of Jesus the Messiah to the Jewish People throughout the entire world, and to assist and challenge the Church to fulfill this task with a particular focus on the USA and neighboring countries.
Committee on Discipleship Ministries (CDM)
The aim at CDM is to come alongside PCA churches by helping them cultivate a Word-based and relationally-driven ministry that strengthens their entire church.
Covenant College
Covenant College is a Christ-centered institution of higher education, emphasizing liberal arts, operated by a Board of Trustees elected by the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), and exists to provide post-secondary educational services to the denomination and the wider public.
Mission to North America (MNA)
MNA desires to serve with excellence all PCA churches, presbyteries, and networks in North America to support Church Planting and Vitality.
PCA Administrative Committee
The PCA Administrative Committee promotes the peace, purity, and mission of the PCA. We provide churches, presbyteries, and the Assembly with the expertise and coordination needed to fulfill our Church’s mission. We don’t set the agenda for the PCA. We just make sure its agenda is accomplished.
The Presbyterian & Reformed Commission on Chaplains (PRCC)
The Presbyterian and Reformed Commission on Chaplains and Military Personnel is a ministry of member denominations dedicated to obeying Christ’s Great Commission by providing men to serve as chaplains in military and civilian organizations. The Commission endorses and ecclesiastically supports ordained, qualified chaplains; approves chaplain candidates; and helps presbyteries and congregations in biblical ministry to military personnel and their families.
Reformed University Fellowship (RUF) – The University of Arkansas
RUF is a place for University of Arkansas students to experience the grace and love of Jesus through life-giving community, intentional discipleship, and a growing understanding of God's word. We're a community of people who know we don't have it all together, and so we are learning together what it means to grow in our faith, love the people around us, and live in light of the redemptive love of Jesus.