October 6, 2019

Life is Precious

Speaker: Dr. John Clayton Series: The Lord's Supper Scripture: Psalm 23:1

This week's service featured Dr. John Clayton's sermon, "True Bread from Heaven," part of our sermon series The Gospel of Matthew: Kingdom Come. The hymns this week were "We Gather Together," "Jesus, Thou Joy of Loving Hearts," and "Psalm 23."

other sermons in this series

Jan 3


A Heavenly Feast

Speaker: Dr. John Clayton Scripture: John 6:47–58 Series: The Lord's Supper

Nov 1


A Meal with God

Speaker: Dr. John Clayton Scripture: Exodus 24:1–11 Series: The Lord's Supper

Oct 4


Fearing God

Speaker: Dr. John Clayton Scripture: Exodus 20:18–26 Series: The Lord's Supper